Page Name   Link Date Description
Homepage   homepage.htm 24 Jan Automatically generated from data in the Profile. Based on a template set at deployment.
Corporate Tab   corporate_2.htm pre 24 Jan

Original two-column format

    build_corporate.htm pre 24 Jan Original two-column create/edit page
    corporate.htm 15 Dec Original four-column format
    corporate_2b.htm 24 Jan Revised two-column format
    corporate_4.htm 24 Jan New four-column format - two colum per section
    corporate_2c.htm 28 Jan Four column format - one column per section
    corporate_2d.htm 28 Jan Four column format - reversed format
    corporate_2e.htm 29 Jan Four column format - lable right
    corp_tools_together.htm 27 Feb No Tab format - based on Profile Feature Review
    two_tab_a.htm 27 Feb Two levels of tabs - Tab A
    two_tab_b.htm 27 Feb Two levels of tabs - Tab B
    hybrid.htm 28 Feb One level tab with side links and tools
Contacts Tab   contacts.htm 10 Jan Key Contacts at the top of page
    build_contacts.htm 12 Jan Original Partner Key Contacts Create/Edit page
    contacts_b.htm 24 Jan Vendor sees Partner first and vice-versa
    contact_c.htm 28 Jan 4.5 Format - Opposite first
Locations   locations.htm 17 Jan With DDVS lables on left
    locations_b.htm 24 Jan Two-column format
    locations_c.htm 29 Jan Two-column format
  New modified_locations.htm 24 Mar Sort-Data table at bottom
Competencies   competencies.htm 25 Jan Need to meet with Moez about this design
Sales   sales.htm 24 Jan Reverted to 4.5 Style
Notes   notes.htm 10 Jan Standard Notes format with newest entries listed on top
Person   person.htm 10 Jan Profile Tab
    person_security.htm 17 Jan Security Tab
    person_prefs.htm 24 Jan Preferences Tab
Banner Ad Test   banner_test.htm 14 Mar Banner Size TEst