Justine Blackman
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Justine Blackman
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Justine Blackman  
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Partner Administrator
Partner Employee
Rights Information
Assign partner roles Allows assignment of roles to partner people
Edit Own Organization Contacts Allows editing people in the user's own organization
ViewVendorTeam Allows viewing of partner's vendor team
Admin Module Controls whether the user has access to the Administration module
Business Plans  
Business Plans Module Controls whether the user has access to the Business Plan/Marketing Plan module
CreateMarketingPlan Controls whether a Vendor Team member can create a new or edit a marketing plan for a partner.
ViewMyMarketingPlans Allows a partner user to view his organization's marketing plans
Call Reports  
Call Reports Module Controls whether a user has access to the Call Reports module
(No User Rights)
Content Matcher  
Content Matcher Module Controls whether the Content Matcher module is enabled for this user.
Can Create Forms Controls whether a user can create a new form
Forms Module Controls whether the user has access to the Forms module
View Own Forms Allows a partner user to view his/her organization's forms
Funds Module Controls whether the user has access to the Funds Module
ViewMyClaims Allows a partner user to view the claims for their organization.
ViewMyFunds Controls whether a partner user can see the Funds module
ViewMyPreapprovals Allows a partner user to view the preapproval requests for their organization.
Needs Analysis  
(No User Rights)
Can Create Opportunities Allow users to create new opportunities.
Can Search Opportunities Enables access to the opportunity advanced search page.
Decline Oppty For Org Oppty Pool Allows the user to decline an opportunity sent to the users organizations opportunity pool.
Delete My Orgs Opportunities Allows the user to delete any opportunity owned by his/her organization.
Edit My Orgs Opportunties Allows the user to edit any opportunity owned by his/her organization.
Excel Opportunity Import Allows importing opportunities using Excel import spreadsheet.
Offer Opportunity To Vendor Allows user to offer an opportunity to the vendor organization.
Offer Oppty To Orgs Oppty Pool Allows user to offer an opportunity to an organizations opportunity pool.
Offer Oppty Within Organization Allows person to offer opportunity to any recipient within the same organization.
Opportunities Module Turns on Opportunities module (Also known as Leads)
View My Orgs Opportunities Allows the user to view any opportunity owned by his/her organization.
View Opportunity Batches Allows user to view opportunity batches and opportunities associated with batches.
View Oppty Offered To Org Pool Allows users to view opportunities offered to their organizations opportunity pool.
Partner Programs  
Edit My Partner Programs Allows editing of partner programs for your organization
Partner Programs Module Controls whether the user has access to the Partner Programs module
(No User Rights)
Promotions Module Controls the user access to the Promotion Module.
(No User Rights)
Reports Module Controls whether a user has access to the Reports module
Resource Library  
(No User Rights)
Training Module Controls the user access to the Training Module
View Matching Training Programs Allows user to view matching training programs
View My Team Certifications Allows Partner Administrator to view the certifications and courses of the team members.